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Graduate Phillips Ambassador

The Phillips Ambassadors Program offers one Phillips Ambassadors position at the graduate level. The intent is to further enrich the overall educational experience of undergraduate Phillips Ambassadors by involving one outstanding graduate student who is engaged in research related to some aspect of Asian society, culture or history in the program each year; to further integrate the program into the life of the University by creating a strong link to the community of graduate students with interests in Asia; and, in general, support the study of Asia at UNC at all levels.

The Graduate Ambassador will be a student in a PhD program at Carolina who is committed to conducting thesis research on some aspect of South, East, and/or Southeast Asia.


The Graduate Ambassador will:
receive a $6000 stipend (taxable) to support summer travel and research in South, East and/or Southeast Asia
assist the program academic director in leading the weekend retreats for the undergraduate Ambassadors; three days in the spring prior to departure to Asia, and three days in the fall upon return.
participate actively in the online discussion forum, engaging with and responding to the comments posted by the undergraduate Ambassadors
meet and stay in contact with, as much as practical, undergraduate Ambassadors in the country or sub-region where s/he is conducting summer research. Doing so helps to create a direct human link to the program in addition to the connection provided by the online discussion forum.
provide a written summary of summer research outcomes by September 30
attend various Phillips Ambassadors events including luncheon in April and a welcome back reception and awards dinner in fall
engage with the Phillips Ambassadors alumni network and social media community

Current UNC graduate student in good academic standing
Must be enrolled as graduate student and present on campus for fall semester following summer research
Does not have to have been an undergraduate Phillips Ambassador
All majors welcome

Application Process
Application materials are submitted via the UNC Study Abroad office’s portal for the Phillips Ambassadors Graduate Scholarship. As part of the application, the following items are requested:

A 1-2 page cover letter explaining why you will be able to make a positive contribution to the educational experience of the undergraduate Phillips Ambassadors
A 1-2 page research proposal outlining your plans for summer research as related to your thesis work
Resume with phone/email contact information
Transcripts, all undergraduate and graduate (official or unofficial)
Letter of recommendation from thesis advisor (applicants will enter advisor’s email in portal and system will send a link with instructions to advisor


The application period for the 2025 Graduate Phillips Ambassador is November 15, 2024 through January 15, 2025.

Please direct questions to the Phillips Ambassadors Program Director, Dori Brady, at or (919) 843-7522.